How Do Steer-By-Wire Systems Work?
A smoother ride starts with not getting feedback through your vehicle's steering wheel columns when you go over a pothole or uneven terrain. Barely feeling the road can lead to a safer experience, and a steer-by-wire system can help make this happen. BSM North America is your expert, so let's break down how they function.
What Is a Steer-by-Wire System?
Steer-by-wire systems are changing how individuals drive because the system mainly relies on electronics instead of components to control different aspects, including braking, acceleration, and steering. Most conventional cars use mechanical and hydraulic technology, and although they work well, they can be more complicated, leaving them inefficient and susceptible to wear and tear.
The system's design combines cables and wiring, resulting in electronics that control how the vehicle is steered. Because there is no mechanical connection between the wheels and the steering component, the steering commands are transmitted through a controller to a motor that produces the desired wheel movement.
How Safe Are Steer-by-Wire Systems?
Steer-by-wire systems are considered a very safe option, especially for those who are elderly or disabled, because it removes any vibration when going over uneven terrains. It also provides a higher steering ratio, making it easier to navigate corners at lower speeds. This results in less hand-over-hand steering, more control when making sharp turns, and easier to grasp the steering yoke if the vehicle does lose control.
What Benefits Do Steer-by-Wire Systems Provide?
Multiple advantages present themselves when a wired system replaces conventional systems within a vehicle:
● It reduces the number of moving parts, resulting in less weight in the vehicle.
● It allows for fewer visits to a mechanic to maintain or adjust the vehicle.
● A vehicle gains more operational accuracy due to fewer components.
All of these can result in better fuel efficiency and fewer emissions. In some cases, the systems may not need any maintenance, especially as technology increases.
Are There Any Drawbacks?
One of the biggest arguments against drive-by-wire systems is that there is always the risk of failure. But this is a standard process with innovative and streamlined products, especially with some individuals resistant to utilizing a new technology.
With companies like BMW, Volkswagen, and Mercedes-Benz implementing these systems in some of their vehicles, there's no doubt that steer-by-wire will only continue growing in popularity.
BSM North America, Streamlined and Professional Solutions Every Time
There is no doubt that steer-by-wire systems are an essential part of an innovative solution to make driving processes easier. When it comes to enhancing your vehicles with off-road steering columns, BSM North America is a trusted name.
Our experience makes us a leader in the field because we also specialize in industrial fabrication by working with industries ranging from construction to mining in Minnesota. Our priority is to stay ahead of the game with cutting-edge technology streamlined with our customers in mind, so message us online or call us at 952-890-8146 today.